Knowledge Repository
What makes experiments organizational?
Our website suggest five diagnostic criteria. Phanish Puranam discusses lab experiments aimed at understanding real organizations (presentation and recording). Roberto Weber more generally discusses experimentation with regard to economic entities (presentation).
One, two, three...many?
Ozgecan Kocak and Massimo Warglien debate what makes a group and, by extension, an organization (presentation).
Organizational stimuli
Marlo Raveendran lays out the challenges of trying to capture rich organizational contexts in the lab (recording).
Design simplicity
Gael Le Mens makes the case for stripping organizational phenomena down to the theoretically most parsimonous representation (presentation).
Graduate syllabi
The EOS crowdsourcing effort documents the state of experimental teaching at top business schools (presentation).
Integrative design
Abdullah Almaatouq walks us through a systematic approach to the cumulativeness challenge in behavioral science (recording, and underlying paper).
Multiple studies
Oliver Schilke tackles the pros and cons of the trend towards multiple studies per article (presentation and recording).
Participant priors
Ronald Klingebiel illustrates what you need to ensure to confidently attribute a manipulation effect to your proposed mechanism (presentation).
Virtual confederates
The EOS crowdsourcing effort documents dos and donts for using bots in experimental work (presentation).
Subject pools
The EOS crowdsourcing effort reviews available platforms ranging from onlinge gig workers to students and domain experts in the lab (presentation).
CPT models
Thorsten Pachur uses cumulative prospect theory to model and compare decision making by groups and individuals (presentation).
Probabilistic beliefs
Cedric Gutierrez walks us through the difference between reported and revealed beliefs about verifiable events (presentation, and recording).
Managerial cognition
Daniella Laureiro Martinez discusses options for the design of measures for capturing cognition in managerial tasks (presentation, and recording).
Nudge adoption
Stefano Dellavigna traces evidence of RCTs being adopted in city administration (presentation, and underlying paper).
Collaborative reproduction
Ali Ozkes reports on the Management Science initiative on ensuring reproducibility (recording, and underlying paper).
Manipulation Validity
Nathan Podsakoff delineates three steps in the manipulation validation process. Aim for conceptual clarity, design parsimony, and plenty of implementation checks (recording).
Measurement Validity
Anna Mayo reconstructs her validation of a measure of collective attention. Emphasis is on field-to-lab transfers (recording).
Inferential Validity
Julia Rohrer walks us through causal graphs as a means to improve the inferential logic for experimental designs (presentation and recording).